Tuesday, 28 October 2014

What is the purpose of education?

At the end of a leadership day with Tom Barrett, we were inspired by his own blog post on the purpose of education. Tom challenged us to write 500 words on the purpose of education. 

Easier said than done....

I got to about 250 and was pretty much brain dead after that. 

So here it is... my belief on the purpose of education:

Education should empower people with with the knowledge on how to access tools to innovate and to persevere to reach their goals and dreams.

Education should promote creativity to inspire learners to develop solutions to everyday and out-of-the-box problems.

Education should be individualised and learner-centred, and allow learners to question, predict, fail and achieve.

Education should be dynamic and provide learners with access to contemporary learning tools that enhance their educational outcomes and develop higher-order thinking.

Education should be interactive and multi-sensory to allow learners multiple opportunities to connect with their subject and have practical experience to build the skills needed to interact with their environment.

Education should be accessible to all, regardless of status, economy, equipment, gender, race, age, ability and skills.

Education should inform learners of the traditions of their community, and provide opportunities for learners to reform and refine traditional practices to move their community into a contemporary world.

Educators should prepare learners to interact with a global community by leading by example through interactions with global educators to refine teaching practice.

My Educational Philosophy presented in a Wordle

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